
Thursday, September 3, 2009

For the last couple of months (really, ever since the GABA idea kernels stared popping in my mind's microwave) I've wondered if this day would come.

And it has. For better (my career) or worse (the immediate GABA plans), the day is here.

Somehow, despite an economy that's stalled like the White Sox in the summer swelter, I have found a job. A job that takes me back to exactly what I want to do in life (sports). A job in a new town, a new adventure, and a new experience with incredibly friendly people.

A job that will put GABA 2010 on hold... for now.

While we were getting the word out about the Great American Baseball Adventure, someone on an MLB team's fan blog site wrote that I should go get a paying job and forget about the dream of seeing every major and minor league team in a single season. Well, one of two ain't bad. I'm heading to Milwaukee to cover the Brewers, Packers, Bucks, Badgers and a myriad of other sports. And yes, I'll be back to living life the traditional way - go to work, earn paycheck, spend paycheck, repeat. No more thoughts about how to pay for that hotel in July in some random town in California.

I've learned a lot of lessons in my three month separation from the profession I love. And one of the main lessons runs a bit counter-intuitive to traditional thinking... I've learned that this wild GABA idea is one of the greatest concepts I've ever been associated with. And the coast-to-coast support reinforces the point.

There's no question that I want to pull off this trip. 150 games in a single season, experiencing America in the trenches, night after night, living out the baseball dream one town at a time.

And I believe, at some point, we'll turn this GABA dream into a reality. But, for now, that dream will have to be placed on hold - I've been called back to the sports battlefront, this time in Milwaukee.

There's still work to be done after all. What an uplifting, exhilirating relief.

Of course, this blog will live on. To everyone who has supported the blog to this point, you'll still get nearly daily doses of random baseball nuggets from this insane baseball nut. (I do promise to get back to daily blogging once this all calms down.)

But for now... Hello Wisconsin!

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